Getting back into sport before summer? It's easy!

Playback time: 6 minutes

We've got it! The countdown to summer is on!

Let's face it: we're not ready! Well, especially me!

How about you? No better? I feel less alone, thank you!

Well, maybe, just maybe, we've had a bit of a craze for aperitif-tartiflettes this winter...  

So now it's time to get ready for the beach and the hikes: the "Sumer body", as they say...

OK, getting back into sport to get fit can't hurt, can it?

Come on, I'm not letting you down, I'm sharing my top tips for a successful return to sport...

But don't worry, we're taking it easy.

Getting back into sport: the benefits

As you know, sport has many benefits, whether for your health, your fitness or even your mental health...

It makes you feel good about yourself, and that's a pleasure!

Improve endurance, breath, muscular strength, cardio, etc.

You'll burn calories, lose weight, regain energy and flexibility... And you'll also be able to reduce everyday stress.

This releases endorphins, the famous feel-good hormones, which put you in a good mood. All the more reason to feel zen!

What's more, regular physical activity can improve sleep quality, boost self-confidence and increase daily energy. It's all positive!

There's no need to go on with the list: we're all convinced of the positive side of sport and physical activity...

But if you haven't done any for a long time, it's not always that easy to get back into the swing of things.

Whether you're a keen sportsman who's taken a break or just a Sunday sportsman, there's no problem: you need to know how to dose your recovery and not force it.

1. Before exertion

Yes, even if you were a regular sportsman, you're going to have to take it easy! After all, your body has lost its reflexes and habits since your break. Watch out for injuries if you go back to the same pace as before...

A few tips:

▪️ Sleep: a good night's sleep is the guarantee of successful sporting activity, and vice-versa for that matter. In short, you can't have one without the other! Avoid sleepless nights or lack of sleep if you have a sports plan for the following day.

▪️ See your doctor: if you're not a great sportsman, or if you've stopped for a while, don't hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. He or she is familiar with your state of health and will be able to give you an idea of what is and isn't possible. It's a good way to reassure yourself. And don't forget to ask your doctor for a certificate if you want to join a club... it could come in handy!

▪️Pensez to warm-up: this is essential to prepare your muscles and joints. You'll avoid injury and limit muscle soreness. Don't be negligent: take 10 minutes to warm up, whatever the intensity of your efforts. (And what's more, there are plenty of tutorials available on the networks to help you).

▪️Instaurez a routine: give yourself a fixed, regular date for your sessions. We can't stress this enough: regularity is the key to success.

▪️Choisissez an activity you enjoy: it's much more motivating! But be careful... Make sure it's a sport for you: Jogging, cycling, swimming, yoga or judo, climbing, etc. There's plenty of choice to find a sport that suits you and your physical condition. If you're a beginner or just starting out, we strongly recommend activities such as walking, swimming or cycling. These activities will enable your body to sustain a reasonable physical effort.

▪️Vérifiez your equipment: for your sporting activities, you may need special clothing or equipment. A trip to a specialist store may be just the thing to get some advice. (Use loose-fitting, lightweight clothing, so you can stand the heat better). If you've already got everything you need, then check that your equipment is holding up well... That it won't let you down. Sometimes it's better to re-equip than risk a breakdown or even an accident...

2. During exercise :

▪️Fixez set yourself simple objectives: give yourself achievable goals! Start with short, low-intensity sessions, then build up as you go along. Don't set out to break records, but rather to keep going for as long as possible, so that you can build up a sense of regularity. Start with short 30-minute sessions, then increase the duration and intensity with regularity.

▪️Boire water: don't forget to hydrate! During exercise, it's a good idea to think about it. Don't hesitate to stop for a few moments and take sips of water to help your body recover and prevent cramps.

▪️Trouvez a partner : if you're afraid of losing motivation, then don't go it alone! Join a group or find a friend with whom you can practice your chosen sport. It's always more fun to train together, and keeps you motivated for the long haul.

▪️Musique maestro: don't forget to listen to music: it's motivating and helps to sustain the effort if your playlist is dynamic and rhythmic. I'll leave it to you to decide what's best for you, but avoid music that's too slow if you don't want to fall asleep... (No, sleep is still not considered a sporting discipline!).

▪️Augmentez or vary the intensity: once you're comfortable, you can increase the intensity of your activities. Start with two 30-minute sessions a week, then increase the duration as you feel comfortable.

▪️Soyez regular and benevolent: aim for a sports sequence every 2/3 days of 20/30 min to 1h00 and avoid intensive 2h00 sessions just once a week... That would be unproductive! Start gently, with 2 sessions a week at first, then increase the pace to 4 sessions before moving on to 5 sessions to create a real weekly routine. Listen to your body: there's no need to exercise every day at first. Give yourself a day or two of rest...

Don't feel guilty if you miss one or two sessions! Remember that the first two weeks are the hardest; be patient so that you can stick with it over the long term and reap all the benefits.

3. After exercise

▪️Les Stretching: here again, don't stop suddenly! At the end of your session, allow 10 to 15 minutes for stretching to avoid or reduce any aches and pains.  

▪️Douche cold: once you've done your stretching, take the time for a good shower and finish it off with cooler water to get the blood flowing to the limbs involved in the effort.

▪️Patience: the first results are not visible immediately. You'll need to wait three or four weeks to start seeing the effects of your recovery on your body, and even two or three months for your body to become accustomed to it and have more stamina. After a few weeks or months, your body will take shape and you'll be satisfied. On the other hand, the effects of sport on the mind are very rapid, even immediate, once you're back in motion. Less stress and better sleep are quickly noted by specialists.

▪️Une healthy lifestyle: there's no point in practising a sport if you then have habits that cancel out all your efforts! You need to make the right choices to maintain the benefits of sport.

As you know, abuse and excess are always bad for many things. Without depriving yourself, the key is to avoid too many fatty, processed and sugary foods.

Protein, cooked or raw fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, but also a little oily fish (mackerel, sardines...). These are the ingredients you'll find on your plate.

I don't need to remind you, but alcohol, tobacco and junk food don't mix well with sporting habits.

Don't hesitate to consult a nutritionist for help.

Come on, let's go!

Alone or in a group, indoors or outdoors, I'll let you find the formula that suits you best.

You can of course benefit from a coach or watch tutorials on the networks or why not an app (I'm just saying!) ...

It's up to you to find the right formula and the right tempo to help you.

We'll meet up again in 2/3 weeks to check that everything's going well... Tell me all about it!

In the meantime, you can continue to read our tips in future articles.

See you soon.

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