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How to improve health at work?

The news regularly highlights the importance of occupational health in companies. This is especially true since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Employers now have a critical role to play in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for their employees.
Poor health in the workplace can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism and loss of employee motivation. Companies are therefore responsible for taking the necessary steps to improve the health, safety and well-being of their employees, which can benefit all aspects of the business.

SPART invites you to explore different strategies for improving workplace health in companies.

The main health problems in the workplace

As a company director or manager, you are committed to ensuring the well-being of your employees to improve their level of commitment. That's why it's important to look at the most common workplace health issues.


Stress can be a real health hazard for your employees. With too much work, too much pressure from the boss or conflicts with colleagues, it is easy to become overwhelmed.

The health effects can be serious, ranging from headaches and muscle aches to depression or even burn-out.

To reduce stress, we recommend a positive work environment, stress management training and regular breaks to limit fatigue or overwork.

Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is also a health hazard for employees, especially in office work.

It can lead to back problems, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
To avoid these problems, it is important to take regular breaks to get up and move around, engage in regular physical activity and do stretching exercises in the office.

Companies can also take steps to encourage physical activity in the workplace, such as setting up a gym or implementing yoga or Pilates classes.

By implementing medical prevention measures for these problems, you can take care of your employees' health with the help of a doctor and improve their well-being at work.

Remember, healthy employees are happy and productive employees!

How to do it concretely

We'll give you a quick call back to explain it all 👌
SPART reminds you

Issues related to
physical health
and mental health

in the workplace

Did you know that the physical and mental health of your employees is essential to ensure a good quality of life at work? The issues related to these aspects are multiple and concern both your employees and yourself as an employer. To this end, SPART offers you some tips to improve the physical and mental health of your employees!
Issues related to physical and mental health in the workplace

Establish a health and quality of life at work barometer

To begin with, it is important to have an overview of health and quality of life at work. To do this, why not set up a company health indicator to measure the levels of stress, fatigue, absenteeism, job satisfaction, etc.?

This data will make it possible to identify weak points and to propose an occupational health program through concrete actions.

Offer training to learn how to manage stress

Stress is a factor in poor physical and mental health at work. Why not offer training to learn how to manage it?

These trainings can include relaxation techniques, meditation, breathing or coaching sessions.

Provide relaxation areas

Encouraging relaxation and unwinding is essential for the well-being of your employees. For this, provide relaxation areas such as rest rooms, massage rooms or yoga rooms.

Each space allows your employees to relax during breaks and recover from the fatigue accumulated during the day.

Promote ergonomics at work

Finally, to avoid health problems linked to poor work ergonomics, it is important to promote the comfort of your employees.
You can provide adapted chairs and desks, take care of the lighting and air quality, propose regular breaks to move and stretch, etc.
Each employee will be delighted to be able to work in an ergonomic environment adapted to his needs.

Combining environmental and occupational health

According to the WHO, the field of "environmental health" encompasses the majority of public health, including general quality of life, as well as at work, which is influenced by physical, chemical, biological, social, psychosocial, and aesthetic factors of our environment.

‍TheInternational Labor Organization shares this definition by stating that health related to the work environment is a form of physical organization of work that generates well-being in the workplace or avoids any risk of physical and/or mental harm to individuals.

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Encouraging physical activity with SPART

SPART is a mobile application that offers a range of services to encourage the practice of regular physical activities.

▪️ It offers sports challenges to employees, who can sign up as individuals or in teams, to achieve goals in a fun and motivating way.

▪️ Users can also track their progress through dashboards and statistics, which encourages them to persevere in their sports practice.

▪️ The application also offers personalized training programs and nutritional advice from professionals to help employees improve their physical condition.

▪️ Finally, companies can organize sports events and reward the most active employees, which strengthens team building and improves the company's image.

Join SPART and encourage physical activity
for a healthier, more dynamic life!

The benefits of physical activity at work

Physical activity in the workplace has many benefits for the physical and mental health of workers. These include:

▪️ Improved physical fitness and cardiovascular health;
▪️ Reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity;
▪️ Reduced joint and muscle pain;
▪️ Reduced anxiety and stress;
▪️ Improved concentration and productivity;
▪️ Fostering a positive work environment and team spirit;
▪️ Reducing health-related absenteeism;
▪️ Increasing job satisfaction...

To realize these benefits, it is important to find ways to integrate physical activity into the workday, whether it is by encouraging team sports or organizing stretching or yoga sessions.

Health in the workplace: our advice to preserve it

To maintain your health at work, SPART offers the following tips:

▪️ Move regularly by taking active breaks;
▪️ Practice regular physical activity outside of work;
▪️ Do stretching exercises to relax your muscles;
▪️ Eat a healthy, balanced diet;
▪️ Get enough sleep to recover from fatigue;
▪️ Learn how to manage stress by practicing meditation or relaxation techniques;
▪️ Avoid sitting in front of a screen for too long;
▪️ Use the SPART Workplace Wellness App to motivate yourself and track your progress.

SPART is the ideal partner to ensure health and wellness at work, offering practical advice, webinars, unifying events, personalized exercises and a motivating community of support. Don't hesitate to integrate this application into your daily work life to improve the quality of life at work and preserve the health of your employees in the long term.

Don't just
take our word for it

Hear from some of our incredible customers 🤩
Wonderful application that I highly recommend!
Fun, sport, interaction, challenge, all in one!
Maria Baaklini
Assistant Manager, Opal Opera Hotel
An app that allows you to (re)do sports with a challenge while carrying out solidarity actions! A healthy competition in the company that allows animated discussions around the coffee machine!
I recommend!
Audrey Lemaitre - HR Director Euratechnologies
Audrey Lemaitre
HRD, Euratechnologies
Using SPART on a daily basis in my company is an enriching experience: athletically & personally!
It allows you to create a bond with your colleagues, to have new challenges & goals to do sports at your own pace 💪
Charlotte Blomart - Resp Marketing/com Qualimetrie
Charlotte Blomart
Resp Marketing/Com, Qualimetrie