iconographic detail SPART
of employees say that SPART has a positive impact on their company's image.
Improving company attractiveness
Strengthening team cohesion
Strengthening employee commitment
Improved health and reduced absenteeism

Your employer brand

Your employer brand multiplied tenfold with SPART
MSD prevention with SPART
Logo France TV - SPART
Logo Bouygues Bâtiment - SPART
Swatch group logo - SPART
Logo Sopra Steria - SPART
Logo Total energies - SPART
Logo Santé au travail Provence - SPART

well-being and attractiveness,
with a strong employer brand

Attracting talent
An employer concerned about the health of its employees
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Positive work climate
Fostering links between employees
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Greater commitment
More motivated and loyal employees
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Better health
Reduced absenteeism and work stoppage costs
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attracting talent

Taking into account employees' overall well-being
Employer branding plays a crucial role in attracting top talent, and integrating physical activity can make all the difference.

As an HR department, offering wellness programs that include sports activities reinforces the company's image as an employer who cares about the health and well-being of its employees.

Candidates are increasingly looking for companies that promote a good work-life balance. By highlighting company sports initiatives, such as fitness classes, yoga sessions or sports challenges, the company stands out in the recruitment process.

This becomes a powerful argument for attracting quality talent and retaining existing staff.
An attractive employer brand, supported by concrete actions in favor of employee health, also contributes to the company's overall reputation in the marketplace.

For HR managers, integrating physical activity into their employer branding strategy is an effective lever for improving the company's image and recruiting the best profiles.

Physical activity, an asset for employer branding and recruitment

Promoting physical activity reinforces the company's image as a dynamic, wellness-oriented workplace, attracting candidates in search of a healthy environment.
Attracting talent: SPART takes into account employees' overall well-being
attract top talent

Positive working atmosphere

a pleasant, collaborative workplace
Positive work climate - a pleasant, collaborative workplace with SPART
Physical activity is an excellent way of strengthening team cohesion, a key aspect of employer branding.

As an HR department, offering collective sports activities, such as sports team-building sessions or friendly competitions, creates moments of sharing and conviviality between employees.

These moments strengthen the bonds between team members, improving day-to-day communication and cooperation. Good team cohesion translates into a more pleasant working environment and a positive group dynamic.

For the company, it also means greater productivity and a working climate conducive to innovation.
By promoting physical activity as a means of bringing teams together, employer branding stands out for its ability to create a supportive and dynamic corporate culture.

Employees who evolve in such an environment are more inclined to stay with the company and contribute to its success.

For HR departments, investing in team sports is a powerful strategy for strengthening cohesion and the image of the employer brand.

Physical activity and team cohesion: an asset for the employer brand

Encouraging group sports strengthens bonds between employees, contributing to a harmonious working environment and a strong employer brand.
create closer-knit teams

greater commitment

promote employee well-being
Integrating physical activity into your employer branding strategy is a major asset for boosting employee commitment.

HR managers know just how important well-being in the workplace is to employee motivation and loyalty. Offering regular sports sessions, such as running, yoga or fitness, helps to reduce stress and promote a better work-life balance.

This attention to employee well-being shows that the company cares about their health and quality of life.

This reinforces their sense of belonging and attachment to the company. By improving the day-to-day experience of employees, the employer brand positions itself as a guarantee of satisfaction and recognition.
Engaged employees not only perform better, but are also more likely to promote the company around them, becoming brand ambassadors.

For HR managers, investing in physical activity within the company is a winning strategy for developing talent commitment and loyalty.

Physical activity: a lever for strengthening the employer brand and commitment

Offering sports activities at work improves employees' quality of life, thereby increasing their motivation and loyalty to the company.
Increased commitment - SPART for employee well-being
boost your teams' commitment

better health

prevention of tms and sedentary lifestyles
Better health - MSD and sedentary lifestyle prevention with SPART
The employer brand can play a decisive role in preventing employee health problems by integrating physical activity.

For HR managers, offering sports programs within the company can help prevent sedentary lifestyles, such as musculoskeletal pain and cardiovascular problems.

By offering supervised sports sessions, the company contributes directly to improving the physical condition of its employees.

This translates into reduced absenteeism, work stoppages and associated costs.

A company that invests in its employees' well-being through sports initiatives sends out a strong signal: it cares about its employees and their health.
This approach strengthens the employer brand by positioning it as a respectful workplace attentive to everyone's needs.

For an HR director, integrating physical activity into the employer brand strategy is an effective lever for creating a healthier working environment and reducing the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle.

The employer brand at the service of employee health.

Promoting physical activity reduces absenteeism and improves the overall health of employees, thus reinforcing the employer brand as a player in corporate well-being.
reduce absenteeism now