Play your games at work
Challenge sportif & solidaire interentreprises - labeled Grande Cause Nationale.
Company / Community
Team cohesion, commitment, motivation - all brought together in our application
Offer access to a health sports application
Mutual / Insurance
Revolutionize your market with an innovative offer
Sport in the workplace
Sport in the workplace
Benefits for employees and employers alike
What does the law say?
Developing sports in the workplace: a public health issue
Team cohesionâ
Why develop a good team cohesion in a company?
Well-being at work
Improve well-being at work as a company
Health at work
Improve the well-being of your employees
CSR approach
Discover the benefits of implementing a CSR approach
See all our articles on well-being, sport...
Download our infographics and white papers
About us
Contact Spart: We're here to help you
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Who do you represent?
A company
A mutual insurance company
What are you particularly interested in?
Creating links and strengthening cohesion
Improve employee well-being
Improve CSR policy in concrete terms
Retain and involve your employees
Improve my health or that of my employees
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they put some spart into their business life