Sport: the anti-Burn-out coach?

Reading time: 5 minutes

Have you ever woken up with zero motivation?  

Not even the strength to get up or the desire to start your day... And especially not to go to work?

It's called burn-out!

You probably know the word and the symptoms that go with it...


But did you know that sport could be one of the cures?

Mind you, it's not the cure! Instead, physical activity should be seen as a highly effective companion.

Would you like to know more? Okay, enough of the rhetoric, I'll explain it quickly with a few homemade tips. It's a gift!

Burn-out: a reminder


We all know the word Burn-out... To be a little more precise, we say: burnout syndrome.

So... what's it all about?

It's a "state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion resulting from prolonged investment in emotionally demanding work situations". Neither depression nor overwork, Burn-out is directly linked to the professional context!


The result: a situation of physical and mental discomfort on a daily basis.

Burn-out, however, is a multi-factorial ailment that cannot be reduced to the stress of overwork.


It can trigger a variety of symptoms. Here are some of them:

Want to find out more? I recommend you read our previous article on the subject: Mal dans ton job? Getting out of Burn-out

 One of the most useful recommendations to remember is to take up sport. Why should you?

Sport: the companion for prevention and recovery


Let's be clear: sport is not the miracle cure for burnout!

It's not a vaccine or a magic pill... But it is the essential crutch that will accompany you in all your steps to avoid it or get out of it. He is the coach always there to support you! Moreover, the integration of sport in the workplace amplifies this beneficial effect, by offering a structured and sustained framework for physical exercise, thus strengthening the prevention of burn-out within your professional environment.




Specialists are constantly extolling the virtues of sport: it's not just about burning calories and building muscle. Above all, it's about strengthening your mental stamina and physical capacities!


Need we remind you of its positive effect on well-being?


Because, yes, mind and body are not separate! So, by engaging in regular physical activity, you act on endorphin and dopamine levels, and lower cortisol levels. You release what we call the " happy hormones" and reduce the "stress hormones". And it only takes 30 minutes of sport, more or less intense, to produce the amount of dopamine you need to feel good...


Taking up sport on a daily basis is therefore an excellent way of preventing burn-out: by reconnecting with your body, through muscular work and effort, and by working on your breathing, you regain a certain balance, a sense of calm that gives you the strength to move forward and get better.


Sport also fosters socialization, exchange and complicity ... Through team sports, you forge bonds with others. You'll gain confidence in yourself and your place in a group. A great way to boost morale.

Away from the worries of everyday life and work, it offers a special moment: building a sports routine means finally taking time for yourself!


The result: less stress and therefore less fatigue. You sleep better, feel more confident and optimistic...

Polls confirm this, even the oldest ones:

In 2017, 59%, more than one in two Americans, believed that practicing a sport helps prevent Burn-out!

Even today, some companies are convinced of this and offer their employees the opportunity to take part in activities during working hours! This guarantees a good work/life balance, and saves them time for their personal lives.

Which sport to choose?


In theory, any sport is beneficial...

But as everyone is unique, so is the choice of physical activity. Depending on your temperament, your physical condition and your desires, make sure all your criteria are met...


Most specialists agree: if you're suffering from burn-out, take it easy and start exercising again... Above all, don't push yourself... Your body is already fragile, so there's no need to exhaust yourself any further!

What's your objective?

Re-mobilize your body and your energy slowly... But surely! And to get your body moving again without weakening it, you need to avoid overly intense sports and aim for more suitable activities, such as endurance sports.

Be careful not to overdo it either! Sports burnout also exists!


So what's your sport of choice?

Here is the French choice in the context of confinement (2021):

Or worldwide:

In 2021, Reebok, the famous sports brand, carried out a study on the sports most practiced in the context of confinement.

It's still relevant today. 

Here is the podium:


1. Yoga

It's the sport that brings together all the most positive opinions!

Yoga is a genuine alternative medicine with a reputation for treating a wide range of ailments: back pain, stress, irritation, sleep disorders and more. Meditation, concentration, breathing, work on postures... everything is combined to help the mind and body relax and combat any form of stress or exhaustion.

Yoga will help you gently reconnect body and mind...


2. Walking or cycling

Staying at home never helps when you're feeling drained, exhausted or stressed.

So getting out to walk, run or cycle is good therapy for enjoying nature, having time to yourself and clearing your head while contemplating the outdoors.

Walking or cycling will also tick all the boxes: expending energy, relieving stress, contemplating nature!

Here again, a real help to soothe body and mind.


3. Dance or Pilates

Dance is an art that uses the body as an instrument, while insisting on letting go. It's a discipline that requires both regularity and effort, but it's also a real release for body and mind!

Like yoga, Pilates or the Pilates method helps to structure your body and muscles, but also to relax you. By learning to concentrate on your movements and breathing, you can combat all forms of stress and anxiety...


4. Combat sports: boxing and aikido‍

Who hasn't heard of boxing? The noble art, some would say!

But did you know that boxing is also considered a form of therapy? Its positive effects on stress and mood are well established. Boxing channels anger and annoyance. The discipline restores strength and confidence. And it's a great way to regain energy when you're burnt out or close to it.

Aikido is a martial art accessible to all ages, with a particular focus on self-defense and zero competition. In this Japanese martial art, there are no fights or opponents, only partners. The whole practice is based on harmony and benevolence... You learn to master your body, your fears and your mind.

As you can see, sport is an excellent tool to combat burn-out, but it can't be the only one to help you on the road to prevention or recovery.

The important thing, of course, is to find the right one, the one that will give you the strength of resilience and resistance needed to carry you through the trials and tribulations of life.


Combined with conventional therapies, it's a guaranteed way to regain confidence and serenity, to get out of the negative process and look at your future differently!

Thank you for your attention and see you soon for a new article...


By Edmond Kean

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