Physical activity and breast cancer: Prevention and cure

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Every year, millions of women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer. In France, in 2023, 61,214 new cases of breast cancer were detected.  

Pink October 2023 / Breast cancer: understanding the disease for a better cure - Institut Curie - Press area

This disease has a significant impact on the lives of patients and their families. Thanks to ongoing research and advances in prevention and treatment, breast cancers detected at an early stage have a 90% cure rate(Ameli). Among the complementary methods available to combat this disease, physical activity and sport are essential allies. In addition to its benefits for general well-being, regular physical activity reduces the risk of colon, breast and endometrial cancer by 20-25%(according to oncologist and radiotherapist Dr Bruno Cutuli).

This article explores how exercise can be integrated to prevent, treat and improve the lives of those affected by breast cancer.

Physical activity and breast cancer: prevention

Understanding risk factors

Before discussing the preventive role of physical activity, it's essential to understand the risk factors for breast cancer. While some are unavoidable (age, family), others can be reduced by adopting a healthier lifestyle. By modifying certain habits, it is possible to minimize the risks.

Octobre rose - Breast cancer risk factors | Institut Jules Bordet

Octobre rose - Breast cancer risk factors | Institut Jules Bordet

Benefits of physical activity to prevent breast cancer

Lack of physical activity is a major risk factor for breast cancer. Conversely, regular physical activity has many benefits for the body. It improves physical fitness and boosts the immune system, both of which are crucial in preventing various diseases, including breast cancer. It also reduces the risk of weight gain, obesity and hormonal imbalances. These elements create a body environment less conducive to the development of cancer cells. According to theInstitut Curie, the risk of developing breast cancer is 20% lower in active women.

Practical tips for integrating physical activity into your daily routine

A minimum of 30 minutes of dynamic physical activity a day is recommended. In fact, according to theFrench National Cancer Institute, physical inactivity led to almost 3,000 new cases of cancer in adults in 2015. Integrating physical activity into your daily routine can therefore play a significant preventive role.

Physical activity and breast cancer: an essential complement to treatment

Long discouraged, physical activity is now recognized as beneficial during breast cancer treatment, provided it is adapted. Exercise not only helps to maintain physical fitness, but also alleviates some of the side effects associated with treatment.

Improved quality of life during treatment

Physical activity contributes to better tolerance of treatment(Physical activity, an ally in the fight against cancer) and reduces certain side effects, such as pain relief.

Reduce fatigue and nausea, caused by cancer and its treatment, by around 35% for breast cancer sufferers.

By practicing a suitable activity, patients can also preserve their muscle mass and cardio-respiratory capacity.

Psychological support through physical activity

Exercise also plays a crucial role in the psychological support of patients. Properly supervised by professionals, it can help reduce anxiety and depression. Moderate practices such as yoga and relaxation techniques help combat anxiety(see our 10 relaxation tips). Physical activity is also said to improve self-esteem and body image. Movement and physical activity also help patients feel more in control of their bodies and their health(Institut national du cancer).  

Advice for breast cancer patients

Opt for moderate-intensity activities such as walking, yoga or light muscle strengthening. The goal is to achieve around 10-12 MET.h per week, equivalent to 10 to 12 hours of light physical activity. These exercises must be adapted by a healthcare professional to ensure safety and maximize benefits.

Physical activity and breast cancer: healing and rehabilitation

Post-treatment recovery

After treatment, physical activity is essential to boost the immune system and improve overall health. It also helps reduce the risk of relapse and prevent other health complications. Physical activity can reduce post-cancer fatigue levels by 40%(French National Cancer Institute). It also helps reduce perioperative complications when practised before and after surgery(Institut national du cancer).

Physical and psychological support after cancer

Regaining physical strength and stamina is crucial to effective healing after treatment. Exercise contributes not only to mental health, by promoting emotional resilience, but also to physical health.  

Reducing the risk of relapse

After breast cancer, practicing at least 3 hours of physical activity a week reduces the risk of recurrence by 20%, and beyond 9 hours, the percentage rises to 50%(Institut Curie). Studies show that it improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the growth of cancer cells by increasing a protein that blocks their growth(Institut national du cancer).

Physical activity after cancer

Gym'Après Cancer classes are available throughout France. Developed by the Fédération Française d'Education Physique et de Gymnastique Volontaire (FFEPGV), they offer adapted physical activities for people undergoing cancer treatment or in remission, and provide community support to encourage complete and balanced rehabilitation.

Physical activity: benefits for the prevention and treatment of other cancers

Physical activity doesn't just prevent breast cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society links physical activity to 7 cancers.

Lack of physical activity is responsible for 18% of colon cancers in men and 20% in women, as well as 26% of endometrial cancers(La ligue contre le cancer). Exercise reduces overall mortality by around 40%. In other words, you have a better chance of recovering from cancer if you're physically active. Less physical activity (5 MET.h/week) already has a significant effect on prevention and cure, but a higher level of physical activity reinforces the benefits(Institut national du cancer).

As with breast cancer, physical activity improves treatment results and reduces side effects. It contributes to a better quality of life for patients throughout their course of treatment, notably by reducing fatigue.

Again, it's important to adapt the types of exercise to the type of cancer and stage of treatment. Consultation with healthcare professionals is essential to develop a safe and effective exercise program.

FAQ: physical activity and breast cancer

  1. How can physical activity prevent breast cancer?

Regular physical activity helps prevent breast cancer by reducing the risk of weight gain, obesity and hormonal imbalances, creating a body environment less conducive to the development of cancer cells. Studies show that the risk of developing breast cancer is 20% lower in active women.

  1. Is it safe to exercise during breast cancer treatment?

Yes, physical activity during breast cancer treatment is generally safe and even beneficial. Physical activity improves treatment tolerance, reduces fatigue and pain, and helps maintain muscle mass and physical strength. It is important that these activities be adapted and supervised by healthcare professionals.

  1. What types of exercise are recommended for breast cancer patients?

Light-to-moderate-intensity exercises are recommended, such as walking, yoga and muscle-strengthening exercises. Physical activities that develop cardiorespiratory capacity and muscle strengthening are effective in reducing fatigue. It is crucial to consult a health professional to develop a suitable exercise program.

  1. What are the benefits of physical activity after breast cancer treatment?

After treatment, physical activity helps strengthen the immune system, improves overall health, reduces the risk of relapse and prevents other health complications. It also helps reduce post-cancer fatigue by 40%, improves emotional resilience, and promotes physical recovery.

  1. What role does a company play in cancer prevention?

A company plays a crucial role in cancer prevention by promoting a healthy work environment and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits among its employees. In particular, it can promote physical activity within the company. SPART is the ideal application for encouraging employees to engage in physical activity and sports. The company can also provide resources for early detection and educate on the risks of cancer.  

Physical activity is your ally in the fight against cancer! It improves quality of life and health. 👩‍⚕️🤸‍♀️

By Candice Lhomme

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