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SPORT in the workplace :
the well-being challenge

at all levels
Employees & employers

Adopting sport in the company is more than ever topical:

While some companies have difficulty recruiting, while companies are asked to pay more and more attention to the well-being of their employees ...

Engage a policy of well-being and physical activity within his company is an unstoppable response to these issues.

The impact is more than beneficial for both the employees and the company.

image physical activity

For the employee

Better mental health and ways of managing stress.

6 years old

of delaying the age of dependence

30 à 34€

savings on the health budget / year

For the company

To adapt to new ways of working and to enhance teamwork in every way.

6 à 9%

productivity gain per employee

30 à 40%

reduction in absenteeism

10 compelling reasons to take up sport at work

Download the infographic.
No more excuses... You've been warned.

I want it
10 reasons to take up sport at work

Reasons to adopt sport in the workplace

The reasons are well known: thanks to these physical activities, you get healthier and more motivated employees, an enhanced and attractive corporate image, etc.

‍Note: 89% of company managers observe the benefits of physical and sporting activities (greater well-being, more team spirit, better quality of life at work, etc.).

So it's an excellent way to make a success of your CSR and QVCTpolicies...

Enough to put a smile back on HR's face and get everyone in shape!

It would be crazy to miss out!

Key figures

Workplace accidents
Team building

How to do it concretely

We'll give you a quick call back to explain it all 👌
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SPORT in the workplace
and why not?

How about taking some time out at work to recharge your batteries?

20% of employees do this(Harris Interactive 2022)...

‍Andwhy not more?

Yet 68% of employees would like to take part in some form of physical activity at work.

According to a study by Toluna-Harris Interactive (2022) for Medef and Paris 2024, in 2022, only 13% of company managers had set up sports facilities and amenities to encourage the practice of sport.

What a gap!

Corporate sports, team building and well-being application - SPART

Some brakes exist:

▪️Côté employer: we see the difficulties of access to sports facilities, the budget, the fear of responsibility in case of accident, the time taken from work, the problem of premises or the idea that the company does not have this role...

▪️Côté employee: Sport seen as a leisure activity, offers not very adapted, the search for individual practices...

And yet...
With 80% of workers having a sedentary activity at work, we can clearly measure the road to travel and the interest to combine well-being, health and work!

‍Inreality, we accumulate all the good points: ideal time and place, but also various assets for companies and employees .

a demo
a question?

Sport: we all need it!

Would you like to be healthier and happier? Of course it does!
That's why it's so important to take part in sport and regular physical activity.

It's good for morale and it's good for your health... All the studies show it. And you don't have to be a pro!

According to theWHO, 20-30 min/day is enough to feel the benefits of sport.
In 2022, 65% of French people (aged 15 and over) said they were physically active at least once a week, most often "cardio": 80% said they walked, cycled, ran or swam (Harris interactive).

That's not bad! But this masks many disparities: difficulties in maintaining duration or intensity, etc.
Yes, it's hard to maintain regular physical activity!

In 2022, you wanted, on average, to train 3 hours and 4 minutes more per week... A good resolution, but not so easy to keep.

Between work and family, you sometimes have little time to devote to sporting activities...

A report (Santé Publique France 2020) explains that between the ages of 25 and 40, people don't exercise much... because they don't have enough time!

So what can you do?

Don't just
take our word for it

Hear from some of our incredible customers 🤩
Wonderful application that I highly recommend!
Fun, sport, interaction, challenge, all in one!
Maria Baaklini
Assistant Manager, Opal Opera Hotel
An app that allows you to (re)do sports with a challenge while carrying out solidarity actions! A healthy competition in the company that allows animated discussions around the coffee machine!
I recommend!
Audrey Lemaitre - HR Director Euratechnologies
Audrey Lemaitre
HRD, Euratechnologies
Using SPART on a daily basis in my company is an enriching experience: athletically & personally!
It allows you to create a bond with your colleagues, to have new challenges & goals to do sports at your own pace 💪
Charlotte Blomart - Resp Marketing/com Qualimetrie
Charlotte Blomart
Resp Marketing/Com, Qualimetrie

Sport in the workplace: several formulas

A word of warning: before taking the plunge, ask your employees about their desires. There's no point in making major investments if it's not a shared project...

‍Don't forget that each of your employees will have varying expectations and levels: beginner, sporty, occasional or experienced .
There are many choices and decisions to be made: individual lessons? Group classes? What time slot? Which activity(ies)?

‍Get to knowyour teams well, so that together you can build your plan to do a corporate spell.
Once you've done that, you have several options:
Sports facilities - SPART

1. Organize and set up dedicated areas either inside or outside the company

An investment in specialized equipment can be made in both cases: a gym with various machines or outdoor equipment... Don't forget the showers and changing rooms!

A gym available to employees gives the company a dynamic image.


Everything is on site and time is saved. You can arrange for a coach to come to your premises.


A financial investment and maintenance that requires a regular budget. Not to mention that some individual sports enthusiasts (running, biking, etc.) will not find it to their liking.

2. Offer a gym membership


If you find a place close to your premises, we don't go too far away. The burden of the equipment and its maintenance is not your responsibility. You don't need a special space or showers...


The gym may be far from your company... Not very practical!
The gyms only offer indoor activities. And you are rarely alone...
For the shy ones, it is not yet that!
Gym membership - SPART
Sports coach - SPART

3. Choose a "turnkey" solution

Call on specialized partners offering personalized support to organize regular company sports activities, whatever your space...
We can imagine organizing internal or inter-company sports competitions (soccer tournaments, ping pong or even table soccer...) or collective registration for sporting events (races and marathons).


You let them do it... Everything is their responsibility!


These are always group activities and rarely outdoors... and the cost is not easily affordable for all companies.

4. A digital offer

You can also offer your employees a digital sports solution.
On mobile or tablet, applications set the tone for organizing activities!
Team or solo sports challenges, goal tracking, expert advice or live coaching, online sports lessons and replays...
The services are varied.


You don't have to worry about anything, and employees can choose their own pace and location. These formulas can be adapted to suit everyone, and are easy to set up in the workplace!
You can even organize inter-company tournaments or form in-house teams to challenge different departments. The price is often attractive.


You're never sure that all your employees will take advantage of the subscription offered.
You don't have a face-to-face coach, but a virtual or video one...
Digital offer - SPART application

But it works pretty well for the SPART app 👌

Build a dynamic corporate sports program with SPART!

SPART, leader in corporate sports, reveals the keys to creating an innovative and motivating program within your company.
Needs assessment: Start by consulting your employees to understand their needs and preferences in terms of physical activity and wellness.

SPART places paramount importance on this step to offer a tailor-made program that truly meets everyone's expectations.

Diversified experience: Thanks to the SPART mobile app, offer a rich and varied experience, including team challenges, fun exercises and wellness tips.
This diversity ensures that everyone finds something to do and stays motivated to participate.

Adaptability to the pace of work: Understand your employees' time constraints and offer them activities that fit easily into their workday.
SPART excels in designing short, effective exercises that are perfectly suited to breaks or moments of relaxation. Regular follow-up to maintain commitment.
Mechanisms to ensure ongoing commitment from your employees.
Ongoing evaluation and adjustment: Track the progress of your program and assess its impact on employee health, well-being and productivity.

SPART encourages you to adjust the program according to the changing needs of your team for optimal results.
With SPART's advice and expertise, you can build a dynamic corporate sports program that fosters the commitment, health and well-being of your employees, while also
strengthen team cohesion and reduce absenteeism.

Reinvent sport at work with SPART for a culture of commitment and performance!

Leaders in corporate sports innovation: SPART is always pushing the boundaries!

SPART does more than simply offer a corporate sports program. With a forward-looking vision, SPART continually innovates to offer ever more effective and captivating solutions.

In addition to its revolutionary mobile application, SPART is constantly exploring new avenues to stimulate commitment and well-being within teams.
Thanks to its team of passionate experts, SPART strives to push back the boundaries of what is possible when it comes to corporate sports. Whether it's through the development of new and stimulating challenges, the integration of cutting-edge technologies to track employee progress, or the creation of unique events and activities, SPART is positioned as the undisputed leader in the workplace sports market.

By working with SPART, you can be sure of benefiting from the very latest innovations and trends in corporate well-being. With SPART at your side, your corporate sports program doesn't just follow standards: it sets them.

SPART: A pioneer in corporate well-being

As a pioneer in corporate wellness, SPART embodies a commitment to employee health and happiness.

With a holistic and innovative approach, SPART goes beyond simply promoting physical activity by integrating essential aspects such as mental health, nutrition and stress management into its programs.

By collaborating with SPART, companies not only benefit from reduced absenteeism and increased productivity, but also cultivate a corporate culture focused on well-being and performance.

SPART strives to create work environments where employees feel valued, supported and inspired to give their best every day.
With SPART as your partner, employee well-being becomes a priority and a catalyst for success for the whole company.

So, are you ready to embark on the SPART adventure and put a smile back on your teams' faces?

"I think in March I'll walk my kids to school every day I telecommute! 2km assured each time!"
JG Burlet

"Whatever the rank, I loved doing the challenge with you. I am super proud of you all: a crazy team!"
Carole Daniel

"Hello, I too had a little slump yesterday at home, so I took my bike and came to the class twice in a row! This hasn't happened to me in a long time!"
Dorothée Grimonpont