How to optimize your time: task prioritization guide

Reading time: 2 minutes

In a world where time is a precious resource, organizing your tasks well is essential for greater efficiency and peace of mind. Knowing how to prioritize helps avoid mental overload and improve productivity. Here are some models to help you optimize your time on a daily basis.

1. The Eisenhower matrix: urgent, important, can wait, delegate

Popularized by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, this matrix allows you to classify your tasks according to urgency and importance.

How do I apply it?

Divide your tasks into four categories:

  • Important and urgent: To be dealt with immediately (e.g. an imminent deadline, a customer emergency).
  • Important but not urgent: To be planned (e.g. training, long-term strategy).
  • Urgent but not important: To be delegated (e.g. certain meetings, administrative tasks).
  • Neither urgent nor important: To be eliminated or reduced (e.g. excessive browsing on social networks).

2. Prioritize according to added value

Not all tasks have the same impact. Concentrate on those that bring the most value.

What to do?

  1. Identify high value-added tasks: those that have a direct impact on your results (e.g. development of a strategic project).
  2. Define priority thresholds: prioritize the 20% of tasks that generate 80% of results (Pareto principle).
  3. Automate or delegate low-value tasks (e.g. standard e-mail management).

For example, if you're an entrepreneur, focus on value creation: product development, customer relations, innovation. Delegate tasks such as accounting or administration if possible.

3. Structure your day according to your biological rhythms

Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Adapt your tasks to your chronobiology.

Optimal organization model

  • Morning (8am - 12pm): Period of high concentration → Complex, creative tasks (deep work, writing, analysis).
  • Early afternoon (1pm - 3pm): Low energy → Light tasks (e-mails, meetings, administrative).
  • Late afternoon (4pm - 6pm): Moderate energy → Collaborative tasks (brainstorming, strategic discussions).


By applying these methods, you can better manage your time, reduce stress and improve productivity. Test these models and adapt them at your own pace for a more efficient day-to-day life!

By Candice Lhomme

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