Corporate Diversity and Inclusion: Benefits and Best Practices

Reading time: 3 minutes

Find out how to promote the inclusion of diversity and disability in your company.

12% of working people recognized as disabled are unemployed (compared with 7% for the population as a whole, according to INSEE).

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Where do companies stand on diversity and inclusion?

OpinionWay's survey reveals that companies are becoming increasingly inclusive.

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In France, 20% of discrimination concerns health, according to a 2022 Cegos survey.

As a moral imperative, inclusion in the workplace is a major challenge. What's more, it's an economic and legal obligation. By making an active commitment to inclusion, your company can benefit from considerable advantages and, above all, avoid penalties.

OETH: legal obligation to employ disabled workers

The "Obligation d'Emploi des Travailleurs Handicapés" imposes legal obligations in terms of employment. Companies with more than 20 employees are required to employ at least 6% of disabled workers in their total workforce. The percentage can be adapted to the size of the company.

To find out more about the employment of disabled people

Consequences of non-compliance with the OETH

A financial penalty is applied to all companies failing to meet the standard. These can lead to fines of up to several thousand euros per missing disabled worker.

Benefits of a diversity and inclusion policy for the company

So companies respect inclusion just to comply with the law?  

Not quite!  

In addition to meeting legal obligations, promoting inclusion has many advantages:  

  • Enhance brand image by demonstrating commitment to diversity and equal opportunity
  • Improve productivity by enhancing creativity and innovation through the integration of a variety of perspectives and experiences.
  • Valuing employees
  • Strengthening employee commitment
  • Attracting and retaining more talent

Inclusion also brings financial benefits: financial aid for companies that hire disabled employees, assistance in adapting workstations and exemption from certain social security contributions.

For 56% of French employees, the diversity policy contributes to the organization's overall performance, according to Cegos.

For 77% of French respondents, taking inclusion criteria into account would be an "important" choice criterion if they were to change jobs.

How to implement a corporate inclusion and diversity policy?

Now you know how important it is to be an inclusive company. Now let's see how to become one.  

Your company can implement all kinds of measures to comply with the OETH :  

  • Train and raise awareness of inclusion and diversity among all your employees
  • Adapt your workstations and recruitment practices to give access to all talents
  • Implement inclusive policies such as flexible working hours or telecommuting  
  • Collaborate with specialized associations to access diverse talent and benefit from expert advice

By implementing these strategies, you can not only comply with legal requirements, but also create a richer, more productive working environment.

By Candice Lhomme

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