10 compelling reasons to take up sport at work

Reading time: 7 minutes
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Here it is, summer is already over: the sun, the vacationers, the road, the exoticism or the change of scenery and the beach... It was good, wasn't it? 

You took the opportunity to do some sports: play with the kids, ride a bike, walk or run... It's so nice! 

However, once back home and despite all the nice promises to resume the sport... There is no time! 

Between family and work... Not easy! Rest assured, there's a solution: exercise at work!

Yes, it is possible and increasingly considered as a real competitive advantage for companies. It's a win-win situation for everyone, employers and employees...

So, would you like to convince your boss to adopt this idea for the fall? 

Don't worry, we've done the work for you: Here are the 10 unstoppable reasons and arguments to adopt sports in the workplace!

But be careful, afterwards you will have no excuse... You have been warned.

10 reasons sport at work


This is an unstoppable argument to convince your company to adopt sports in your company:

As we know, the absence of employees causes difficulties in terms of organization and productivity for the company. ....

And of course, this is expensive: the Sapiens Institute (Study 2018), has calculated the cost of absenteeism: 108 billion euros per year! The study by the broker Gras Savoye Willis Towers Watson (2021) specifies this cost: "for a company of 1,000 employees with an average salary of €30K per year and an absenteeism rate of 5%, the full cost to the employer is estimated to be between €1.5 and €3M per year." 


However, regular physical activity by employees has an interesting impact: less absences or shorter absences! (30 to 40% reduction in absenteeism)

The calculation is quite simple: more sport for employees = more fitness and health for them, and therefore less absenteeism. 

(VAN DEN HEUVEL, S., BOSHUIZEN, H., et al. (2005). "Effect of Sporting Activity on Absenteeism in a Working Population," British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. e 15-e 15. And PROPER, K. I., VAN DEN HEUVEL, S., et al. (2006). "Dose-Response Relation Between Physical Activity and Sick Leave," British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 173-178 and WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (2008). Prevention of non-communicable diseases through diet and physical activity in the workplace: report of a joint WHO meeting.)

Source: https://www.lachezprise.fr/actualites/focus-sur-lactivite-physique-en-entreprise-outil-de-performance/


The argument that hits the nail on the head and most importantly, that we all care about: 

When employees exchange their suit and tie or suit and high heels for a pair of jogging shoes, it would increase their productivitý by 6 to 9%!(Goodwill management 2021 study). 

In better shape or healthier or simply full of energy thanks to these physical activities, they are then more motivated and more efficient. Another mutual benefit that will delight both employer and employee.

And to top it all off: a gain of 3 years in life expectancy... 

(I'll go get my sneakers and come back... won't you?)


The costs associated with health and safetý in the workplace can be significant for some organizations. And this is where sport has its role to play. Thanks to him we have seen that the employee increases his productivity and his health capital.

Thus, while more productivity leads to more profits, less absenteeism and fewer accidents reduce the company's expenses. The economic benefits are therefore interesting enough not to be missed.

(Go to your boss and tell him that you can help him save money... He will be all ears)

well-being at work


As you know, this is one of the strongest expectations of employees: better division of time between private and professional life. You are even 56% to worry that the advantage of teleworking implies a too systematic availability for the company. (Study "The future of work: from remote to hybrid" Capgemini)

Providing employees with physical activities is an opportunity for them to disconnect, to take breaks. By encouraging them to take a real break from their workday, the company reassures them of its intention to respect the work/life balance. And it's a win-win situation given the increase in well-being and productivity generated.

(I'd go for a yoga break, wouldn't you?)

benefits associated with exercise
Source: https://www.pourlascience.fr/sd/medecine/les-bienfaits-du-sport-sur-la-sante-7684.php

5. A "HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY" ("mens sana in corpore sano" Juvenal)

All these studies have one point in common: sport at work improves health! An employee in good physical condition is able to carry out his or her tasks with greater enthusiasm and ease.

The benefits of sport at work are well known: elimination of toxins, improvement of cardiovascular capacities, weight regulation, release of hormones (endorphins) with soothing properties.

The preventive effects on many physical diseases are recognized: musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), high blood pressure and strokes, certain cancers, such as breast, colon and lung.  

Building muscle capacity reduces the risk of injury, and flexibility or suppleness of the body helps prevent some injuries. 

Finally, practicing regularly builds the immune system with relaxation and flexibility activities like yoga (in one session!). 

The result: employees who are less stressed and in better shape! Because what's good for the body is good for the mind!

Yes, mental health is also concerned: burn-out, for example, which is often linked to overwork, lack of recognition or an unhealthy work climate. Stress at work is one of the causes of many psychological diseases. 

The beneficial effects of physical activity on psychological health are recognized both on people with disorders and those without, acting both in prevention and in treatment of stress or depression. 

Sport against stress - SPART
Source: https://fondation-ramsaysante.com/questions/stress/comment-le-sport-peut-nous-aider-gerer-le-stress


Not to be tense with colleagues or with your boss... Now that's a nice project! Everyone hopes for a calm and relaxed climate at work. 

Sharing physical and sports activities with colleagues and even with managers helps to improve relations and create a favorable work atmosphere. 

The practice of physical activities has the power to modify certain stress factors, such as the work climate. Playing sports together means creating bonds and getting to know each other better. This strengthens team spirit, facilitates communication within the organization and makes it easier to integrate the latest arrivals... (the famous onboarding not to be missed) 

Encouraging group sports breaks strengthens the bonds between everyone, brings conviviality and reduces the stress of employee-supervisor relations. 

(Just thinking about it, I already feel more relaxed... And the hammam at work, is it possible ? What do you mean you shouldn't push Granny into the nettles? You know granny?)

(MICHISHITA, R., JIANG, Y., et al. (2017). "The Practice of Active Rest by Workplace Units Improves Personal Relationships, Mental Health, and Physical Activity Among Workers," Journal of Occupational Health, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 122-130, PIERRE J and I, B. (2010). A healthy mind in a healthy body: promoting sport at work, Management, vol. 35, no. 3, 10 p. )


Faced with the "great resignation" or the shortage of Talents, companies are at war to hire and retain the best employees. In a post-covid context and with a drop in unemployment, it is necessary to succeed in standing out to attract future employees. 

Beyond the compensation and benefits that the company can offer, the concern for well-being and health displayed by the company can weigh in the balance and be a competitive advantage. 

A strategy that includes sport in the company can score points in order to retain or interest a workforce that has become demanding in terms of working conditions. Thus, 89% of company managers emphasize the beneficial influence of physical and sports activities on team spirit and the integration of newcomers (Study "State of the art, obstacles and levers to the development of sports in companies" of the OpinionWay 2020 Barometer).

Not all companies will have the same budget available to offer sports in the company but there are various solutions to adapt, don't panic! 


A stronger employer brand - SPART
Source : ParlonsRH - OpinionWay survey


Offering physical and sports activities to employees, showing them that their health and the work atmosphere count... It is necessarily good for the image of the company, which appears responsible and concerned about its employees. 

This good image can be further enhanced by the organization of competitions or sporting events open to the public. The company's logo is displayed in a fun and positive way, or even in a charitable way if the event has a great cause. Employees feel proud to belong to this company and others want to join. The image of the company is radiant and reinforced by the sport.

The soft skills of sport transposable in the world of sport - SPART
Source : Quête de sens pro


Soft skills are "behavioral competencies, most often acquired outside of the school or university setting. There are two common translations for the term soft skills: people skills and behavioral skills.

The result of our creativity, our education, our open-mindedness, these skills are acquired and grow over the years. Leadership, compassion, emotional intelligence, stress management, etc.

Sport, as a tool to surpass oneself, will have an influence on the development of your employees' soft skills. 


Playing sports improves cognitive functions! The brain stays alert and young longer. It is also a way to fight or prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. 

Some studies also speak of improved memory or concentration, information processing... For example, walking would promote creativity or creative thinking.

(SMITH, P. J., BLUMENTHAL, J. A., et al. (2010). "Aerobic Exercise and Neurocognitive Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials," Psychosomatic Medicine 72(3):239).


Improving employee well-being - SPART
Source: https://www.myhappyjob.fr/7-idees-pour-developper-la-pratique-du-sport-en-entreprise/

And of 10 ! we will not have lied to you... We even kept some for later, in case you ask for more...

As you can see, physical activity and sports at work have many advantages for employees as well as for employers or companies.

And there are now many possible formulas: Sport in the company or in a club or through an app... The possibilities are truly numerous. 

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