Quiet Quitting: doing as little as possible in your job

Reading time: 4 minutes

Metro, work, sleep... Again and again... We know the drill!

Not even time to rest for 2 minutes to enjoy our family, our friends ... Not to mention the overtime with the work of colleagues not replaced.

Help us! We can't take it anymore!

From now on, we'll do the bare minimum, no more, no less! We call it Quiet Quitting.

Does it speak to you? If you are an employer, you have certainly noticed a drop in motivation among your employees... Yes? Then it's a good bet that Quiet Quitting is happening in your company!

So what to do? How to boost your employees and avoid this Quiet Quitting?

We explain it all to you without laziness.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet Quitting was popularized on TikTok in 2022 by Zaid Khan, an engineer from New York, explaining how he decided to slow down his work pace to enjoy life.

Since then, the phenomenon has grown into a movement for a more balanced lifestyle.

Born between the "Big Quit " and the " Act Your Wage ", the quiet quitting is actually older: indeed, a character of Herman Melville, the author of moby dick, Bartleby the scribe (1853), seems the father of the movement...

He is a small copyist employee of a Wall Street notary who will gradually refuse to perform the tasks assigned to him, until he becomes inactive. His favorite phrase: "I would prefer not to". He then became a symbol of passive resistance... Today, we say Quiet Quitting!

It is a trend that is present especially among young people and consists in fulfilling one's schedule and tasks, but not more: one no longer answers emails outside of work time, one no longer accepts to do the job of one's colleague who has not been replaced, and above all one does not work overtime.

Some define this trend as a form of mental resignation.

What causes Quiet Quitting?

According to a study by Makers, more than one out of three French employees (37%) consider themselves to be Quiet Quitting!

The last few years have imposed an anxious climate: pandemic, war, global warming or inflation... Difficult for some to have the morale!

We have seen many employees question the meaning of their work and leave for other horizons: the famous "big resignation".

Priorities are no longer the same: we want to find meaning in what we do, we want a healthy balance between professional and personal life. We simply want to live!

Three simple reasons to remember:  

1. Inflation 

Prices are rising and wages are not keeping up!

It is this loss of purchasing power that explains, in part, the decline in motivation and commitment of employees...

2. The quest for a new relationship to work

Generation Z is looking for a new work model: young workers need meaning, freedom and flexibility.

Telecommuting, flexible hours are important to them.

3. Time for yourself

70% of young people are ready to leave their job if they can't telecommute (ADP Research Institut). They need time for themselves! This is a far cry from the Hustle culture: the race for productivity and added value.

According to a Gallup study, 25% of working people in France are totally disengaged and only 6% are dedicated to their tasks at work .

This generation is thirsty for missions that have an impact on society to feel useful and in line with their values.

The Quiet Quitter: a risky attitude

Let's be clear, if you have unmotivated employees, you are not going to congratulate them... Often, you lose confidence in them and you risk taking action as a result...

Decrease in salary, isolation, loss of credibility...

This is not good for anyone! Neither for you nor for your employee...

So what to do? How to motivate your employees ?

Quiet Quitters can have a significant impact on performance and profitability. It is therefore essential to find solutions adapted to the expectations and needs of your employees.

Here are some possible solutions:

1. Recreate a stimulating work environment:  

According to a Gallup study, engaged employees are 21% more productive than non-engaged ones.  

What if you set team goals to create a more collective work atmosphere?

Encourage collaboration to avoid isolating your employees...

Motivate them with prospects of evolution: offer training to give them the opportunity to upgrade their skills, their soft skills or power skills.

Take the time to explain the values of the company, explain the meaning of the work that is done in your company ... Once the meaning of their mission integrated, you will see much more motivation!

2. Promote flexibility  

Offer flexible hours!

In order to respect a better work/life balance, do not hesitate to negotiate on schedules and hybrid work: telecommuting (full remote or hybrid), reduced working hours, part-time or 4-day week... Open the dialogue around these subjects.

3. Offer benefits

Advantageous health insurance, luncheon vouchers, crèche or means of transport at your disposal...

Your employees will be delighted to enjoy benefits they won't find elsewhere!

4. Dialogue and communication

Regular and transparent communication with employees is essential to keep them informed of the company's plans and give them the opportunity to express themselves.

Give them the floor, listen to their suggestions!

This can be done through team meetings, internal newsletters or regular individual interviews...

5. Sport in the workplace

Yes, you were expecting it a bit and that makes sense.

As you know, when your employees lose their motivation, sports and physical activities bring a physical and mental well-being that will support all the efforts you will make to boost it.

This is the best time to offer your employees a physical activity in their workplace. By encouraging cohesion between your employees and giving them the pleasure of coming to work, you might not recognize your unmotivated employee anymore.

Now you know all about Quiet Quitting and Quiet Quitters.  

You've got it all figured out... Thanks to whom?

Come on, it's up to you to act and make things happen in your company to give your team strength and energy...

See you soon for new tips and new work trends!

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