Continuous learning: the formula for well-being at work?

Reading time: 4 minutes

Hey, do you know the " breathing vacation " ?

Since January 2022, the company Orange allows its most senior employees to invest and work elsewhere for three to twelve months while receiving 70% of their salary...

Even better: some employees of Virgin, Netflix, Goldman Sachs or Indeed, are entitled to unlimited paid vacations beyond the 5 legal weeks! We also talk about side project to get away from it all...

Incredible, isn't it?

To retain their employees and avoid quiet quitting, many companies are innovating by focusing on employee well-being.

Is there a magic formula to chase away malaise, fight boredom and demotivation? And you, how do you do it?

So, we've given it some thought and here are some ideas and tips for your quest for happiness and professional well-being.

89% of French people are bored at work!

At work, do you feel: anxious? Unmotivated? Useless or sad?

Don't worry, you're not the only one: 54% of French people consider work as a constraint and 45% will only get up to go to work to earn money!

Worse: 9 out of 10 employees would be more or less bored at work according to a survey Elevo/Opinionway (October 2021)


What to cause damage on its physical and mental health...

So how can this situation be remedied in the long term?

Is the "learning culture" a cure for boredom?

In the Elevo survey (2021), nearly one in three employees (28%) suggested doing more regular training to avoid boredom. In our LinkedIn survey, you ranked continuous learning, or "learning all the time," as the third most important source of well-being at work (13%).

To feel good in your job, you must be able to avoid routine, the routine that makes you stagnate or doubt... Learning a little more every day is a good way to strengthen your self-confidence and to give yourself the means to achieve your professional ambitions! Seeing yourself grow in skills eliminates the impostor syndrome and awakens your desires and ambitions. Without this, many people abandon the ship or sink into moroseness or quiet-quitting.

Learning or the culture of learning in the company can and must become an assumed and sustained ambition so that "each employee commits to learning, for himself, but also for the benefit of his team and the company as a whole".

Because if there are many possibilities of professional training, free or not, that you can do on your own time, it is not only about training in specific methods and tools that can quickly become obsolete.

In a world where everything is constantly changing, you have to learn to adapt to the context, learn to learn!

We must therefore also encourage a learning culture that encourages adaptation and recognizes the right to make mistakes. Because making mistakes allows us to learn. We must then learn from them and not point the finger of blame.

If not, the company may quickly see its employees burn out and declare burnout syndromes like...

The 3 forms of burnout at work

So, you probably know about Burn-out, the burnout syndrome that affects some employees.

It's the overflow: too much work, too many hours, too much pressure, too many responsibilities... etc. It is the "overheating" that leads to intense fatigue!

We then become unable to do anything and then gradually we enter into depression. This phenomenon is now well (re)known.

But do you know what bore-out and brown-out are?

Bore-out or the evil twin of burn-out

Less known, it is the opposite of burn-out. Here, the expression "bored to death" gains its letters of nobility. Alas!

If you feel underutilized, underworked, or feel unmotivated and useless, then you may be suffering from bore-out.

Worse: You are counting the hours spent at work and it makes you anxious and sad?

It is to be taken seriously: here again, it is the risk of depression that lurks with its symptoms.

The Brown out: in search of meaning

You have "two of tension"? Disillusioned or cynical, are you brooding? Tired of having a " bullshit job" ? Elementary, my dear Watson, the Brown-out concerns you!

Here, we question the very meaning of our work. More than boredom, it is a real crisis of vocation!

This can quickly lead to apathy, sick leave and repeated absences... Then isolation or resignation comes at the end of the race.  

If we want to avoid these tragedies, we must therefore prevent the appearance of these forms of occupational diseases. And you have understood it, in this situation: "prevention is better than cure"!


Now you know what you absolutely must avoid! It's up to you to use this first idea to promote the well-being of everyone at work. Something to discuss with each other or with your manager at work!

The topic: creating a true learning culture within the company for the benefit of all. Get out a sheet of paper, you have 4 hours!

Of course, there are many other ways to create a climate of well-being and this will be the subject of our next articles

In the meantime, this learning culture is a first step towards a more confident and united team in a sometimes uncertain economic and professional context. ...

Do not hesitate to give us your ideas, your remarks and thank you for following us.

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